Welcome to the town of clayton, wisconsin
Town Hall is located at:462 105th Avenue Amery, WI 54001
Town Hall phone number is 715-948-2564
Official Mailing Address:
Tracy LaBlanc, Town of Clayton Clerk
164 70th Ave.
Clayton, WI 54004
Town Board Members: PHONE:
Bill Vanda - Chairman 715-948-2617 home or 715-641-0221 cell
Paul Ladwig -Supervisor-
Roger Olson - Supervisor
Scott Gilbertson- Supervisor
Arling "Ole" Olson- Supervisor
Town Officials:
Tracy LaBlanc - Clerk - 715-948-2564 (Town office)
Brian Peetz - Town Roadman/Maintenance - 715-641-0662
Debbie Elmer - Treasurer - 715-781-3845
*2025 TAXES NOTICE: Treasurer Debbie will be taking taxes for December by mail or appointment only and "in person" starting on December 28- January 25 on Saturdays only from 10am- 2pm at the Clayton Town Hall or by appointment. (this notice also gets mailed with ALL Tax Bills)
Otherwise please mail to:
Debbie Elmer
Town of Clayton, Treasurer
798 55th St.
Clayton, Wi. 54004
PRINTABLE Copy of the 2025 Tax Roll List -
ATTENTION IMPORTANT NOTICE: You received 2 tax bills as there was an error on the first tax statement and a second statement was issued, Please pay off the CORRECTED statement if you haven't already paid your taxes.
For Dog Licenses Contact: Town Treasurer Debbie Elmer (at phone number above)
Dog License Application Form: Please Note all Dog license application forms must include vaccination records!!
(This Form also gets mailed with all Tax Bills each year)
Darel Hall- 715-377-5141 Email: [email protected]